Thasiah College of Nursing - Marthandam, Kanyakumari

Private / Self FinanceThasiah College of Nursing, Marthandam, Vellivilagam ,Viricode Post , Kanyakumari district , Tamil Nadu

Thasiah College of Nursing was established in the year 2008 with first batch of BSc Nursing having an intake of 60 seats. Later Post Basic BSc and MSc Nursing started . MSc nursing was started in the year 2013 with an annual intake of 25 students. The College is located at Kanyakumari district in Tamil Nadu. The college is affiliated to Dr MGR Medical University , approved by INC and TNNMC.

1200 +
17 +
Years Experience
2 +

About Thasiah College of Nursing - Marthandam, Kanyakumari

Thasiah College of Nursing was established in the year 2008 with first batch of BSc Nursing having an intake of 60 seats. Later Post Basic BSc and MSc Nursing started . MSc nursing was started in the year 2013 with an annual intake of 25 students. The College is located at Kanyakumari district in Tamil Nadu. The college is affiliated to Dr MGR Medical University , approved by INC and TNNMC. Thasiah College of Nursing strongly believes in providing Students with a distinctive and relevant combination of academic skills and practical experience. The College has well ventilated and well equipped Laboratories, which are regularly updated with advanced equipment. The library is well equipped with adequate number of books. The College provides education along with placement to reputed organization. The Final Year Students of B. Sc(N) & PB. B. Sc(N) were selected by Apollo Group of hospital through Campus interview and now they getting good salary. Separate hostels are provided for boys and girls. Also hygienic food is served in the hostel.

Highlights of Thasiah College of Nursing - Marthandam, Kanyakumari

  • Hostel
  • Boys Hostel
  • Girls Hostel
  • Canteen
  • Library
  • College Bus
  • Wifi
  • Auditorium

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