Government College of nursing Pathanamthitta is located at College Junction ,Makkamkunnu, Pathanamthitta. The college was established in the year 2023. The College offers four year BSC nursing course has an intake of 60 seats.
Government College of nursing Pathanamthitta is located at College Junction ,Makkamkunnu, Pathanamthitta. The college was established in the year 2023. The College offers four year BSC nursing course has an intake of 60 seats. Government College of nursing Pathanamthitta is affiliated by Kerala University of Health Sciences - KUHS. The college give proper clinical practice in government hospital. The students has minimum 50% marks in Physics, Chemistry and Biology are eligible to apply for studying for this college. For nursing admission selection process is done through only allotments based on Kerala governments LBS Center.