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Al-Qamar College of Nursing is located at Gulbarga District in Karnataka. The College offers BSC Nursing , Post Basic BS...
Deccan College of Nursing is located at Kalaburagi in Karnataka. The College is affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University of...
Goutham College of Nursing was established in the year 1986. The College offers 4 year BSc Nursing having an intake of 4...
Government College of Nursing located at Gulburga District in Karnataka was established in the year 2007. The College of...
Hindustan College of Nursing was established in the year 2003. The College offers 4 years BSc Nursing course having an i...
Hi - Tech City College of Nursing was established in the year 2003. The College offers 4 year BSc Nursing course, 2 year...
Hyderabad Karnataka Education Society has established the College of Nursing in 1991 with an objective to provide an edu...
Keerthi College of Nursing was established in the year 1992. The College is located at Gulbarga District in Karnataka. T...
Khaja Banda Nawaz College of Nursing was established in the year 2011. The College is located at Gulbarga District in Ka...
Mother Mary College of Nursing is located at Gulbarga District in Karnataka. The College offers 4 years BSc Nursing havi...
Prithvi College of Nursing is located at Gulbarga District in Karnataka. The College offers 4 year BSc Nursing Programme...
Shree Gopaldev Jadhav College of Nursing is located at Kalaburagi in Karnataka. The College runs under Shree Gopaldev Ja...
Smt. Vasantha College of Nursing was established in the year 2000. The College is located at Gulbarga District in Karnat...
Vijayakumar College of Nursing is located at Gulbarga District in Karnataka. The College was established in the year 200...
Al - Kareem College of Nursing was established in the year 2004. The College is located at Gulbarga District in Karnatak...
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