Zulekha college of Nursing is located at Mangalore in Karnataka. The College is affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University, approved by INC and KNC.
Zulekha college of Nursing is located at Mangalore in Karnataka. The College is affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University, approved by INC and KNC. The students will acquire clinical training in parent hospital namely Yenepoya Specialty Hospital, Kodialbail with 250 beds and Yenepoya Medical College Hospital with 1050 beds. The college provides well planned clinical course of training to the students to care the patients with all kind of sickness. The college has separate library with the size of 2500 sqft. The seating capacity of the library is 100 seats and equipped with around 2500 professional books. The college has well equipped laboratories to practice nursing subjects through demonstration such as Procedures on Nursing foundation & Medical surgical Nursing, Nutrition, Maternal and Child Health Nursing. The college buses are available to facilitate transport of students from the hostel to college & clinical areas. Hostel accommodation is compulsory for students. Wardens are appointed to help or supervise students in the Hostel. Mess facilities both Vegetarian & Non-Vegetarian are also available.