Yashwant Nursing Institute, Kodoli was underaegis of Shri Yashwant Shikshan Prasark Mandal, Kodoli. The college is approved by Govt. Of Maharashtra , Maharashtra Nursing council, Mumbai and affiliated to Maharashtra University of Health Sciences.
Yashwant Nursing Institute, Kodoli was underaegis of Shri Yashwant Shikshan Prasark Mandal, Kodoli. The college is approved by Govt. Of Maharashtra , Maharashtra Nursing council, Mumbai and affiliated to Maharashtra University of Health Sciences. Yashwant Nursing Institute believe that basic purpose of Nursing Education is to prepare the nurse who after completion of the give comprehensive Nursing care and Health guidance to individuals and families according to their needs. The Nurse must therefore be so prepared that she is intellectually and morally enlightened and technically in teaching oriented to community Health and Research minded. The College has well equipped laboratories with models, mannequins etc. The college has own Nursing library with a degree number of text books with latest national and international journals. Library is equipped with the internal facilities and having the source of additional information for acquiring the a great spear of knowledge in all subject. Also Hostels are provided by the College.