Smt. Saraswati Gurupadappa Nagamarapalli College of Nursing was established in the year 2001. The College offers 4 year BSc Nursing and 2 year Post Basic BSc Nursing having intakes 40 and 30 seats respectively.
Smt. Saraswati Gurupadappa Nagamarapalli College of Nursing was established in the year 2001. The College offers 4 year BSc Nursing and 2 year Post Basic BSc Nursing having intakes 40 and 30 seats respectively. The College is affiliated to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, approved by INC and KNC. Nurses are taking a central role in patient care and are developing new skills, such as nurse prescribing, as well as becoming specialists in particular therapeutic areas like diabetes, cancer and renal care. Education does not lie in the quantification of knowledge, but it lies in the quality of knowledge and excellence in education. The College provides all facilities for the students. Quality education doesn't mean good academic results but also the spiritual, mental and physical developing the student that helps to form the character of students.