Sampti Devi Memorial Nursing College was established in the year 2017. The College is located at Mandi District in Himachal Pradesh. The College is approved by approved by Indian Nursing Council (INC), New Delhi, Himachal Pradesh Nurses Registration Council (HPNRC) Shimla & Himachal Pradesh University (HPU), Shimla.
Sampti Devi Memorial Nursing College was established in the year 2017. The College is located at Mandi District in Himachal Pradesh. The College is approved by approved by Indian Nursing Council (INC), New Delhi, Himachal Pradesh Nurses Registration Council (HPNRC) Shimla & Himachal Pradesh University (HPU), Shimla. The College has Fundamental and Foundation Lab, Community Health Nursing Lab, Obstetrical and Gynecological Nursing Lab, Child health Nursing lab, Medical Surgical Nursing lab. College of Nursing has a state-of-the-art library, which includes a digital section and photocopying facilities. Library has an extensive collection of more than 3000 books and 7 Indian & international journals, magazines, research documents. The Seminar Hall is furnished with modern seating arrangements, platform and other necessary facilities. College owns a excellent hostel with all the amenities which is located at a walkable distance from the college in which provide good quality food, 24X7 security, C.C T.V surveillance, wardens and recreation facilities.