J K College of Nursing and Para medicals is located at Coimbatore district in Tamil Nadu. J.K College of Nursing is established in the year 2005. J K College of Nursing is affiliated to Dr. M. G. R Medical University, and approved by TNNMC.
J K College of Nursing and Para medicals is located at Coimbatore district in Tamil Nadu. J.K College of Nursing is established in the year 2005. J K College of Nursing offers 4 year BSc Nursing Course having an intake of 40 seats. J K College of Nursing is affiliated to Dr. M. G. R Medical University, and approved by TNNMC. J K College of Nursing is situated in a green campus which can easily be reachable either by train or bus. The College has all requirements including spacious classrooms, equipped laboratories, library with wide collection of books, hostel facility, etc. Proper clinical training is given to the students. Students with a minimum of 45% or above in Physics, Chemistry and Biology are eligible to study in the College. The College provides better learning experience to the students so as to make them flying colors in future. The College gives Placement assistance to the students who wants to join the Country or abroad.