Ganga College of Nursing - Vattamalaipalayam, Coimbatore

Private / Self FinanceGanga College of Nursing, No.442, Vattamalaipalayam , Nggo Colony (Post) Coimbatore district , Tamil Nadu

Ganga College of Nursing is located at Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu. Ganga College of Nursing was established in 2009 . Ganga College of Nursing offers BSc Nursing , GNM and Post Basic BSc Nursing courses with an intake of 50,50 and 40 seats. The College is affiliated to Dr. M.G.R Medical University, approved by INC and TNNMC.

1200 +
16 +
Years Experience
3 +

About Ganga College of Nursing - Vattamalaipalayam, Coimbatore

Ganga College of Nursing is located at Coimbatore in Tamil Nadu. Ganga College of Nursing was established in 2009 . Ganga College of Nursing offers BSc Nursing , GNM and Post Basic BSc Nursing courses with an intake of 50,50 and 40 seats. The College is affiliated to Dr. M.G.R Medical University , approved by INC and TNNMC. The spacious and well-equipped library with voluminous collection of more than 3000 books, journals, and periodicals on an array of subjects. A separate facility for accessing e-journals is also available in the library. Many international journals are also accessible. For transportation, the Institutional buses are available for students to provide practical exposure in the hospitals. Clinical training is provided at the Parent Hospital Ganga Hospital. The hospital is 450 bedded Multi Specialty Hospital. One of the advantages of the Ganga College of Nursing Institute is that the hostel is within the Campus. It has hygienic and fully furnished rooms and dormitories. There is a canteen that serves vegetarian and nonvegetarian food.

Highlights of Ganga College of Nursing - Vattamalaipalayam, Coimbatore

  • Hostel
  • Boys Hostel
  • Girls Hostel
  • Canteen
  • Library
  • College Bus
  • Wifi
  • Auditorium

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