Dr. Kolpe Nursing College - Ahmednagar

Private / Self FinanceDr. Kolpe Nursing College, Kopargaon, Kolpewadi, Ahmednagar District, Maharashtra

Dr. Kolpe Nursing College Kolpewadi is established at Ahmednagar District in Maharashtra for People and Poor Student. The College was established in the year 2016. This College is the rapeutic and educative Process in meeting the health needs of the individuals the family and the community. The College is affiliated to Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, approved by MNC and INC.

1200 +
9 +
Years Experience
1 +

About Dr. Kolpe Nursing College - Ahmednagar

Dr. Kolpe Nursing College Kolpewadi is established at Ahmednagar District in Maharashtra for People and Poor Student. The College was established in the year 2016. This College is the rapeutic and educative Process in meeting the health needs of the individuals the family and the community. The College is affiliated to Maharashtra University of Health Sciences, approved by MNC and INC. Nursing is one of the health professions which functions in conjunction with other health care agencies in assisting individuals, families and communities to achieve and maintain desirable standards of Health. The College has adequate number of laboratories for conducting practicals. Each lab has sufficient number of equipment and facilities. The College has a library with wide collection of Books, Journals, Referals, etc. Hostel facilities are also available in the Campus.

Highlights of Dr. Kolpe Nursing College - Ahmednagar

  • Girls Hostel
  • Canteen
  • Library

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